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Today, we will find out what 3D really means for a “Virtual Tour” and how one can recognize the differences.
Let’s start with the basics:
What is a “3D Virtual Tour” of a site?
3D Virtual Tour or 3D Virtual Tour is the simulation of a location, it is the representation of a real space, it is the exact digital replica through which we can explore, without any limitations, a place as if we were really there.
The 3D Virtual Tour consists of the collection of 3D data of the space and the objects located in it, recording the geometry as well as the color information, resulting in the 3D digitization, imprinting the space in a “3D Model”. All this data gathered together to form a 3D Virtual Tour Model will help your potential customers see the site as if they were on the site in person.
Any space comes in front of any user, from anywhere, at any time on all devices. The public can explore the space by simply clicking or touching the screen. It can look up or down, as well as look from side to side of the room as one would if one were physically in that room. The transfer from one point to another is smooth. There are no optical distortions in a real 3D Virtual Tour.
So what differentiates a true “3D Virtual Tour” from the replicas that are out there?
The answer is depth.
Any virtual route can and does record two dimensions – height and width – but a real three-dimensional route also records depth.
Technically, this is done using a specially equipped camera with multiple lenses and infrared which can scan the space, measure and record the depth. Then, using artificial intelligence (AI) software and combining the data recorded by the camera, the “Visual Twin” of the space is created.

“360 Virtual Tour”
Although techniques vary, most traditional 360 virtual tours do not allow the viewer to actually move through the space. They offer separate shots of a global view of a single point. Traditional photographers create these tours using DSLR or 360 cameras, taking many photos that are then stitched together using a special program. It has limited optical capabilities, not allowing the user to focus on anything other than what the camera itself originally focused on.
“3D Virtual Tour”
A “3D Virtual Tour” stands out by offering multiple unique viewpoints throughout the tour. This is achieved because the space is scanned and not just static photography. In a 3d virtual tour, users can navigate the scanned area with complete freedom, if you want to see what is behind a column, you can navigate around the column instead of being stuck in a single view.
What is the difference between 360° Virtual Tour and “3D Virtual Tour”?
The main difference between 360° and 3D Virtual Tour is the depth, the data collected and the appearance of the “digital twin”, these define what it means to offer a real 3D Virtual Tour experience with the help of a professional photographer and the right equipment.
The days when photos or a short video were the only means to showcase a property are gone, remember the presentations that used a simple projection of images with the help of a musical mat, creating presentation videos for use on YouTube. The technology has evolved a lot since then, we are now in a digital era where ¨3D Virtual Tours¨ or ¨3D Virtual Tours¨ are gaining ground day by day, their dominance in the real estate presentation sector is undeniable. However, like all new technologies, several copies/imitations have already been found and although many claim it, it is not 3D in reality.
Advantages of a “3D Virtual Tour”
A big difference between a ¨3D Virtual Tour¨ and a 360-degree one is the verisimilitude, i.e. how close to reality the tour is. The more true to reality a tour is, the easier it will convince the consumer. This offers several benefits to hotels and the hospitality industry in general, to property managers, to restaurants and generally to all businesses that want to present the real image of their services and space, showcasing their competitive advantages:
Additional advantages and tools
Surely the most important benefit that 3D Virtual Tour gives us is the accurate transfer of a site on the web. In addition, the 3d model gives us the possibility of different optics:
You can even tag, describe, comment by tagging “360Tags”, the annotation tool! At any point on the virtual route the tags or otherwise points of interest can be embedded:
This means you can guide the visitor by highlighting the competitive advantages you want to showcase.
Additional features provided by a “3D digital twin” of a site include virtual reality glasses, high-resolution photos, 360-degree photos, site measurements, interface with Google Street View maps and more. Such elements create more excitement resulting in greater engagement of your prospective customer.
Are you ready to add your “Digital Twin” to your promotional material? Start at
by contacting us
to schedule a presentation for your own space, without any charge and learn how your business can use the best “reality capture” technology to create custom 3D experiences and get ahead of the competition.
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