ThPA SA 10012021 112939 Five reasons to create a Virtual Tour of an exhibition

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Five reasons why you should present your organisation in a virtual tour.

Who would have thought that you could visit an exhibition from the comfort of your home or office! Today, the evolution of technology can take us on a journey, giving us the opportunity to tour the grounds of a trade fair as if we were actually there.

At “360 Points of View” we have revolutionised not only the way speakers and delegates can present and attend a conference, but also the way public and private organisations participate in an exhibition.

Five reasons to create a virtual tour
Helexpo Pavilion 7 Dollhouse
Helexpo Pavilion 7 Stands

Do you need to create a virtual tour of your showroom after participating in a trade show ?

Consider the benefits of investing in a virtual tour to showcase your products and services, not only in the physical exhibition space but also by creating an interactive experience through the photorealistic capture of your efforts in a virtual tour app.

Your participation in the exhibition can be shown not only during the days of the physical exhibition, but also long after the exhibition is over. It gives you the opportunity to keep all your participations in local and international exhibitions forever in your archive.

It is difficult and at the same time necessary to take actions that will set us apart from the competition!

The creation of a virtual tour can certainly help us in many areas, the most important is that if it becomes a necessary “component” of our marketing strategy, we will be able to promote our business to the audience we are interested in with one of the most technologically advanced ways of promotion. Let’s not forget that the tools we use to promote and advertise our business must work together in order to maximise their effectiveness and set us apart from the competition.

Below we will take a detailed look at five of the most important benefits of virtual tours.

  • 1. Optimize return on investment cost!

    Let’s face it, attending a trade show is never cheap. Between the cost of renting the booth space, the cost of designing and implementing the booth, transporting materials, employee time, travel expenses, meals and many other costs, your organizations will ultimately pay a big bill. A virtual tour optimises the return on investment because it gives you the opportunity to present the experience of being physically present in the exhibition space, not only to the visitors who managed to visit you, but also to those who did not have the opportunity to come, thus becoming another promotion and visibility tool, a cheaper and more effective solution for your organisation in the long run.

  • 2. Increase and track your potential customers.

    Exhibitions can be chaotic and if the booth gets too busy you may miss someone’s name or not have time to have a thorough discussion with one of the stakeholders. Virtual tours provide you with a wide range of solutions where your now online booth visitors can download material about your organisation, view videos, review products and more. You can also track who downloaded what and reach your stakeholders with the right solution for them. A virtual tour like this also provides you with direct contact with stakeholders through live text chat and online meeting systems, which will also allow you to organise meetings after the exhibition.

  • 3. Long projection.

    Trade fairs usually last a few days and when they are over, all that remains is to say “see you next year!”. A virtual tour has a long duration, giving the possibility to visit even after the end of the physical exhibition. The virtual tour of your exhibitions will be available to your visitors whenever they want for as long as you choose, from a few days to many years after the physical event. This means they will be able to visit your stand, request information as well as meetings, giving you more opportunities to generate new customers and business opportunities.

  • 4. We help the environment!

    Physical events can have a big impact on the environment, particularly in terms of waste and carbon footprint. The environmental impact of a virtual tour is minimal and involves only the use of computers and mobile devices.

  • 5. Reach a global audience.

    Virtual tours have the great advantage of being accessible from all over the world. They are available around the clock (24/7) from anywhere in the world. This means that you will present your product or service in front of a global audience, without the excessive costs of attending overseas exhibitions.

"360 Points of View" enables you to grow your business by exposing your organization to a global audience, attract new customers, save money and help the planet!

Leave us your details in the contact form below to find out more information about implementing virtual browsing for your organisation.

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